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8. OOPs

63. Given:
class Top {
public Top(String s) { System.out.print("B"); }
public class Bottom2 extends Top {
public Bottom2(String s) { System.out.print("D"); }
public static void main(String [] args) {
new Bottom2("C");
System.out.println(" ");
} }
What is the result?
E. Compilation fails.
->  E is correct. The implied super() call in Bottom2’s constructor cannot be satisfied because
there isn’t a no-arg constructor in Top. A default, no-arg constructor is generated by the
compiler only if the class has no constructor defined explicitly.
->  A, B, C, and D are incorrect based on the above.

64. Select the two statements that best indicate a situation with low coupling. (Choose two.)
A. The attributes of the class are all private.
B. The class refers to a small number of other objects.
C. The object contains only a small number of variables.
D. The object is referred to using an anonymous variable, not directly.
E. The reference variable is declared for an interface type, not a class. The interface provides a small number of methods.
F. It is unlikely that changes made to one class will require any changes in another.
->  E and F are correct. Only having access to a small number of methods implies limited coupling. If the access is via a reference of interface type, it may be argued that there is even less opportunity for coupling as the class type itself is not visible. Stating that changes in one part of a program are unlikely to cause consequences in another part is really the essence of low coupling. There is no such thing as an anonymous variable. Referring to only a small number of other objects might imply low coupling, but if each object has many methods, and all are used, then coupling is high. Variables (attributes) in a class should usually be private, but this describes encapsulation, rather than low coupling. Of course, good encapsulation tends to reduce coupling as a consequence.
-> A, B, C and D are incorrect based on the preceding treatise.

65. Given:
class Clidder {
private final void flipper() { System.out.println("Clidder"); }


public class Clidlet extends Clidder {
public final void flipper() { System.out.println("Clidlet"); }
public static void main(String [] args) {
new Clidlet().flipper();
} }
What is the result?
A. Clidlet
B. Clidder
C. Clidder
D. Clidlet
E. Compilation fails.
-> A is correct. Although a final method cannot be overridden, in this case, the method is private, and therefore hidden. The effect is that a new, accessible, method flipper is created. Therefore, no polymorphism occurs in this example, the method invoked is simply that of the child class, and no error occurs.
-> B, C, D, and E are incorrect based on the preceding.

66. Given:
1. class Plant {
2. String getName() { return "plant"; }
3. Plant getType() { return this; }
4. }
5. class Flower extends Plant {
6. // insert code here
7. }
8. class Tulip extends Flower { }

Which statement(s), inserted at line 6, will compile? (Choose all that apply.)
A. Flower getType() { return this; }                     B. String getType() { return "this"; }
C. Plant getType() { return this; }                        D. Tulip getType() { return new Tulip(); }
->  A, C, and D are correct. A and D are examples of co-variant returns, i.e., Flower and Tulip are both subtypes of Plant.
->B is incorrect, String is not a subtype of Plant.

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