Courses Offered: SCJP SCWCD Design patterns EJB CORE JAVA AJAX Adv. Java XML STRUTS Web services SPRING HIBERNATE  


STRUTS Course Details


Batch Date: Nov 26th @ 3PM-4:30PM

Faculty: Mr. Nagoor Babu

Duration: 1 month (Daily two hours)       

Fee:  1500 INR+Reg fee:100 INR

Location : Maitrivanam, Hyderabad.

Venue :
Plot No : 202,
IInd Floor ,
HUDA Maitrivanam,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad-500038.
Ph.No : 09246212143


Pre-requisite : Servlets and JSP

Struts 1.x

1. Web application Basics

2. Understandin g mode1,mvc1,mvc2 architectures

3. Introduction to Frame works

4. Need of Struts

5. Understading stuts App flow

6. Development of Struts App

7. Working with struts supplied jsp Tag libraries

8. Form Validations

a) Programatic Approach

b) Declarative Approach (Validator plugin)

9. Working Diff types of formBeans

a) ValidatiorForm

b) DynaActionForm

c) DynaValidator Form

d) ValidationActionForm

e) DynaValidatorActionForm

10. Working with Built-Action classes

a) FowardAction

b) IncludeAction

c) SwitchAction

d) DispatchAction

e) LookupDispatchAction

f) LocaleAction and etc…

11) Local and Global Forwards

12) 118n

13) File Uploading and Downloading

14) Developing Custom Request Processor

15) Tiles Framework

16) Solving Double Posting problem using tokens

17) Exception handling in struts App

18) Struts and EJB integration

19) Mini Projects

20) Misc Discussions

Struts 2.x

  • Diff b/w Struts 1.x and Struts 2.x
  • Struts 2.x Flow of Execution
  • Struts 2.X Elements
  • Steps to design Struts Appl. In 2.x version
  • Struts 2.x Tag library
  • Struts 2.x Application with Annotation
  • Struts 2.x Validations


  • Servers:Tomcat & Weblogic
  • IDE’s: MyEclipse, NetBeans